Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Political Methodology:Dynamic versus Static Approach

(First draft please do not quote)

Political Methodology:Dynamic versus Static Approach

Ali Asghar Kazemi                                                                      
January 2011 

From a methodological perspective, political science borrows diverse methods and approaches applied in social science research. Amongst these positivism, behavioral, structuralism, realism, institutionalism, rational choice theory, pluralism, interpretivism and critical theory are most familiar for students of the field. Post-modern movement and thinking have influenced these approaches considerably and have changed both the form and substance of political inquiries. Constructivism, hermeneutics, discourse analysis etc are the outgrowth of this wave.
Demand for relevance and functionality has also introduced many new qualitative and quantitative aspects and tools in this field. Statistical analyses, model building, simulation and case studies are among the very interesting and useful methods that have come to the assistance of political analysts and researchers.
The main purpose of this paper is to focus on new approaches and to show that whatever method researchers in political science and international relations choose for their inquiries they should be oriented towards dynamic rather than static conditions. In other words, in order to enhance the reliability of researches and applicability of their findings and outcome, we have to examine situations, conditions and alternative decisions in their process of changing occurrence and formation.
What do we mean by a static versus dynamic research? What are the attributes and benefits of this approach in political inquiries and decision making process?

Dynamic Research Technique
According to August Comte[1], social dynamics studies the laws of succession, while social statics seeks those of coexistence. In other words, the former furnishes the theory of progress, the latter of order.  All considerations of structure and function are static. That is to say, quantitative change is static. In dynamic phenomena the change is qualitative. Thus, social static focuses on how to maintain order in society and social dynamic focuses on how society changes over time.
In an article in American Journal of Sociology  the distinction  between the notions ‎‎"static" and "dynamic" is considered  “logical, methodological and pedagogical.” [2]‎ ‎ In other words, they are primarily and chiefly subjective rather than objective. “They are categories imposed upon the object by the mind which attempts to represent the object. They are aspects of the object, not independently existing objects. They are machinery for handling in details the things to be understood in their totality.”[3]‎ ‎
For our purpose, a static research is alike a still picture showing the apparent characteristic of a situation or incident from a certain angle, in a determined time and a defined context. A dynamic study or inquiry tries to examine a case in the process of its development through time and space as a motion picture.
For example, when we refer to a geo-strategic region such as the Persian Gulf, one may list a number of factors, variables, parameters and determinants that portray and explain the attributes of an important area for global security and order. But, only when these factors and variables are put into motion we can realize the true meaning of security. In other words, since security means differently to each actor, we ought to know about its conduct in different conditions and circumstances and find out the threshold of its rationality, actions and reactions in crises or emergency situations.
This requires dynamic examination of various eventualities and conditions that my occur in a vital geostrategic region and the relevant decision alternatives for each scenario. These scenarios range from the “best optimistic” to the “worst case” each of which needs a separate analysis in a dynamic situation.
We may refer to general system theory[4] in order to explain how observable events or phenomenon can be studied in a constant dynamic interaction as parts of a larger system which by definition has a continuous tendency for stability. This can be applied to all branches of science, including natural, social and political studies.
As an aspect of systems theory, system dynamics[5] is a method for understanding the dynamic behavior of complex systems. The basis of the method is the recognition that the structure of any system is often just as important in determining its behavior as the individual components themselves. Examples are “chaos” theory and “social dynamics.” In some cases the behavior of the whole cannot be explained in terms of the behavior of the parts. This explains the integration of tools, like language, as a more sparing process in the human application of easiest path adaptability through interconnected systems.[6]

Dynamic Programming and Game Theory
In the management field and operational research we use dynamic programming by mathematical techniques when we face a series of interrelated problems that require “sequential decisions”[7] and solutions. “Dynamic programming is an approach involving the optimization of multistage decision processes.” [8] The optimality principle here means that a given problem or situation is divided into stages of “sub-problems” which have to be solved sequentially and then aggregated to a final optimal policy after a thorough examination and cost-benefit analysis.
In international relations, when there are a number of actors with different interests and strategies competing or conflicting with other, we use “game theory” in order to reach an acceptable solution to all. For this purpose, we try to optimize each actor’s gain and loss in putting into motion their various courses of action by solving a numerical problem set-up in a matrix.[9]
In game theory, while there is always a conflict of interests between participant actors, rationality in decision options is the foundation of the game. In other words, if there is to be a solution, the outcome of game should be derived from a rational choice of each player who tries to maximize his gains and minimize his losses. In this approach, depending on the types of the games (zero-sum or non-zero-sum) the optimum strategy is the one that satisfies all participants. Otherwise, the game would either go to stalemate or has to be continued until the time it has a satisfactory solution.[10]
This process can apply to strategic regions with multiple actors seeking contradictory objectives. It allows to each independent player to divide a major security problem into a number of manageable sub-problems and arrange them according to their strategic values and find suitable solutions for each.

Dynamic Crisis Decision
There are other studies in the field of crisis decisions that distinguish between dynamic and static approaches. One such study is published in American Political Science Review.[11] This article argues that heuristic-based cognitive models [or dynamic approach based on trial and error rather than set of rules] on the one hand, and holistic rational theories [based on static set of rules], on the other, have always created debates regarding decision making or choice which is at the crux of social science research.
According to the study, some scholars argue that decision makers use maximizing holistic strategies, based upon a particular predetermined static rule. Others claim that  for volatile crisis situation with high perceived risks and threats,  non-holistic (or dynamic) approach should be employed.Since, in the process of handling a crisis situation there is always a probability that the course of events changes direction and magnitude. Thus, a static predetermined set of rules may prove irrelevant to the new condition.
Relying on   past studies that typically examine "static" situations, may end up to erroneous outcomes; especially when “policy alternatives and decision criteria are simultaneously introduced into the decision matrix.”[12] However, foreign policy crises are very often characterized by a different decision structure: an evolving choice set in which policy options emerge during the process. In other words, a dynamic approach to the decision leads to the cross-examination of each alternative in the course of the development of a crisis situation.

Dynamic Political Ideology
Some analysts have tried to study the functional and practical aspects of ideology and culture in the field of political science. They distinguished between dynamic and static character of these two major components in political realm. In their static conditions, political ideologies and political cultures are simply two variables to be considered in political inquiries. But, when they are put into motion they can produce significant results for the society. Since, they shape the way a nation thinks and, accordingly, acts. It is generally believed that “Political Ideology is dynamic and political culture is static.”[13] 
Political ideology relates to a certain set of ideals or principles dealing with a nation, or even a group, that explains how society should work.[14] A political ideology largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what ends it should be used. It is often seen as the background of a political party and their policy. On the other hand, political culture, in simple terms, is what most citizens expect from their government.[15]
Political culture is usually determined by the government, which is why it is considered static; however, political ideology is dynamic because it is usually determined by the people.[16] In some instances however, the reverse of this proposition may prove true. This may be the case where the state ideology runs against the will of the people and their traditional culture. In this example political ideology promoted by the government becomes static or even retroactive and culture plays a dynamic role in shaping a nation identity and political configuration.
The functional benefit of this distinction lies in the overall influence of these two determinants on state behavior in political realm and people consciousness with respect to their national identity. Most social and political conflicts between people and the ruling system stem from this dichotomy.

Political science is essentially the study of man in isolation and in collectivity. Governments and institutions are just parts of human activities that facilitate orderly interactions in the social environment. To inquire into and understand man’s behavior in their political milieu we have multiple methods, tools and approaches. No unique technique or approach can logically claim to perform this whole task.[17]
A pioneer of modern political science, describing this difficulty, once said "We are limited by the impossibility of experiment. Politics is an observational, not an experimental science."[18] Thus, political scientists have historically focused on political elites, institutions, and individual or group and observed their behavior in order to identify patterns, draw generalizations in order to build theories and models for better explaining the political environment. However, after many centuries of political inquiries we are still far from being able to declare success in our endeavor. There are many reasons to support this argument. Permanent quarrels, conflicts, crises and wars among peoples and nations are good indications for this contention.
In spite of all the difficulties and complexities involved in this field, contemporary political science has developed to a great extent by adopting a variety of methods and theoretical approaches for better explaining and understanding politics. Our purpose in this short paper was to shed light on the dynamic aspect of political inquiry and methodology which in practice provides better ground for devising a policy decision rather than an abstract idea.[19]/


*  Ali Asghar Kazemi is professor of Law and International Relations at IAU, Science and Research Branch. Faculty of Law and Political Science. Tehran- Iran.

[1] French thinker and philosopher  1798- 1857 founder of sociology and  positivism.
[2] Albion W. Small. "Static and Dynamic Sociology." American Journal of Sociology, 1 ‎‎(1895): 195-209.This article is a critical review of Lester F. Ward American sociologist 1841-1913.
[3] Ibid
[4] Bertalanffy, Ludwig Von. Perspectives on General System Theory Edited by Edgar Taschdjian. George Braziller, New York. (1974).
[5] System Dynamics was founded in the late 1950s by Jay W. Forrester of the MIT Sloan School of Management.
[6] This passage is taken from : “Systems theory ,” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[7]  See e.g. C R  Kothari, An Introduction to Operational Research, New Delhi, Wikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. 1983. pp. 116-120.  See also: Richard E. Bellman, Dynamic Programming, p.83
[8] Ibid
[9] See Ali Asghar Kazemi, Politimetrics: Quantitative Methods in Politics and International Relations, Tehran: IPIS. 1995. In Persian

[10] I have deliberately simplified the subject of “game theory” here in order to make my point with respect to the dynamic approach to research technique. For further reading see relevant materials  on the subject.

[11] Mintz, Alex; Geva, Nehemia; Redd, Steven B.; Carnes, “ The effect of dynamic and static choice sets on political decision making: an analysis using the decision board platform.American Political Science Review , September 1, 1997.
[12] Idem
[13] Political Ideology and Political Culture Uploaded by Nivizzle (54) on May 16, 2007.
This material is published under license from the publisher through the Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan.    
[14] Ibid
[15] Idem
[16]  In some places where the political ideology is dominant and determined by the government, it could become static; and conversely, political culture becomes dynamic.
[17]   See e.g. Ali Asghar Kazemi, Method and Insight in Politics, (A Philosophical, Scientific and Methodological Approach) , Tehran: Institute for Political and International Studies(IPIS), 1995. In Persian   
 See also: Ali Asghar Kazemi, The Seven Pillars of Politics, Tehran: Islamcpo Publishing Co. 2000. In Persian
[18]  Lowell, A. Lawrence. 1910. "The Physiology of Politics." American Political Science Review 4: 1-15. Former American Political Science Association President.

[19] In the course of writing this paper I have consulted many useful political science handbooks and internet sources, including Wikipedia, for which I have not necessarily given reference. The clever reader can understand the reasons for this deliberate omission that could otherwise need many pages.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Political Methodology

Political Methodology
Documents and Materials

This page cintains the following Documents and materials gathered for PhD students in Political Science who are taking the course Political Methodology.

‎-‎ Comparative Political Analysis pdf
‎-‎ Realism and Methodology in Political Science pdf ‎
‎-‎ Political Science Methodology and the Romance of Research pdf

In order to retrieve these materials from the main file Click Here

Monday, January 10, 2011

International Legal Theory- 2

Publications & Journals

American Society of International Law | International Legal Theory | Ius Gentium

International Legal Theory

International Legal Theory, a publication of the American Society for International Law, discusses the foundations of contemporary international law.

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Volume 12 (2006)
A Just World Under Law
PDF format
Volume 11 (2005)
Why Obey International Law?
PDF format
Volume 10 (2004)
International Criminal Law
PDF format
Volume 9 (2003)
Human Rights
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Volume 8 (2002)
The International Court of Justice
PDF format
Volume 7 (2001)
Humanitarian Intervention
PDF format
Volume 6, Number 2 (2000)
Rawls' Theory of Justice Applied to Public International Law
PDF format
Volume 6, Number 1 (2000)
The Golden Age of International Law
PDF format
Volume 5, Number 2 (1999)
Toward a Kantian International Law
PDF format
Volume 5, Number 1 (1999)
The Rule of Law in International Relations
PDF format
Volume 4, Number 2 (1998)
Two Mistakes About Democracy
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Volume 4, Number 1 (1998)
Customary International Law
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Volume 3, Number 2 (1997)
The Theory of the Firm Applied to International Law
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Volume 3, Number 1 (1997)
International Relations & International Law
PDF format
Volume 2, Number 2 (1996)
International Law-Making
PDF format
Volume 2, Number 1 (1996)
The Effectiveness of International Law
PDF format
Volume 1, Number 2 (1995)
The World Order
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Volume 1, Number 1 (1995)
International Legal Theory
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Saturday, January 8, 2011

International legal theory-1

International legal theory
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Author: Tobias
This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.

    * It is in need of attention from an expert on the subject. Tagged since July 2009.
    * It needs to be expanded. Tagged since July 2009.

International legal theory comprises a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches used to explain and analyse the content, formation and effectiveness of public international law and institutions and to suggest improvements. Some approaches center on the question of compliance: why states follow international norms in the absence of a coercitive power that ensures compliance. Other approches focus on the problem of the formation of international rules: why states voluntarily adopt international legal norms, that limit their freedom of action, in the absence of a world legislature. Other perspectives are policy oriented; they elaborate theoretical frameworks and instruments to criticize the existing rules and make suggestions on how to improve them. Some of these approaches are based on domestic legal theory, others are interdisciplinary, while others have been developed expressly to analyse international law.

    * 1 Classical approaches to International Law
          o 1.1 Natural law
          o 1.2 Eclectic or Grotian approach
          o 1.3 Legal positivism
    * 2 International Relations - International Law approaches
          o 2.1 Realism
          o 2.2 Liberalism
          o 2.3 Rational Choice and Game Theory
          o 2.4 International Legal Process
    * 3 Policy Oriented Perspectives
          o 3.1 New Haven Approach
          o 3.2 Critical Legal Studies
          o 3.3 Central Case Approach
          o 3.4 Feminist Legal Theory
          o 3.5 LGBT Legal Theory
          o 3.6 Roman Law in International Law
          o 3.7 Third World Approach

[edit] Classical approaches to International Law
[edit] Natural law

Many early international legal theorists were concerned with axiomatic truths thought to be reposed in natural law. 16th century natural law writer, Francisco de Vitoria, a professor of theology at the University of Salamanca, examined the questions of the just war, the Spanish authority in the Americas, and the rights of the Native American peoples.
[edit] Eclectic or Grotian approach

Hugo Grotius a Dutch theologian, humanist and jurist played a key role in the development of modern international law. In his De jure Belli ac Pacis Libri Tres ("Three Books on the Law of War and Peace") of 1625, and drawing from the Bible and from the St. Agustine's just war theory, he argued that nations as well as persons ought to be governed by universal principle based on morality and divine justice. Drawing, though, from domestic contract law, he argued that relations among polities ought to be governed by the law of peoples, the jus gentium, established by the consent of the community of nations on the basis of the principle of pacta sunt servanda, that is, on the basis of the observance of commitments. On his part, Christian von Wolff, contended the international community should be a world superstate (civitas maxima), having authority over the component member states. Emmerich de Vattel rejected this view and argued instead for the equality of states as articulated by 18th century natural law. In Le droit des gens, Vattel suggested that the law of nations was composed of custom and law on the one hand, and natural law on the other.

During the 17th century, the basic tenents of the Grotian or eclectic school, especially the doctrines of legal equality, territorial sovereignty, and independence of states, became the fundamental principles of the European political and legal system and were enshirned in the 1648 Peace of Westphalia.
[edit] Legal positivism

The early positivist school emphasized the importance of custom and treaties as sources of international law. Early positivist scholar Alberico Gentili used historical examples to posit that positive law (jus voluntarium) was determined by general consent. Other positivist scholar, Richard Zouche, published the first manual of international law in 1650.

Legal positivism became the dominant legal theory of 18th century and found its way into international legal philosophy. At the time, Cornelius van Bynkershoek asserted that the bases of international law were customs and treaties commonly consented to by various states. John Jacob Moser emphasized the importance of state practice in international law. Georg Friedrich von Martens, published the first systematic manual on positive international law, Precis du droit des gens moderne de l'Europe. During the 19th century, positivist legal theory became even more dominant due to nationalism and the Hegelian philosophy. International Commercial law became a branch of domestic law: private international law, separate from public international law. Positivism narrowed the range of international practice that might qualify as law, favouring rationality over morality and ethics. The 1815 Congress of Vienna marked the formal recognition of the political and international legal system based on the conditions of Europe.

Modern legal positivists consider international law as a unified system of rules that emanates from the states' will. International law, as it is, is an "objective" reality that msut be distinguished from law "as it should be." Classic positivism demands rigorous tests for legal validity. Extralegal arguments, i.e., arguments that have no textual, systemic or historical basis on the law, are deemed irrelevant to legal analysis. There is only hard law, no soft law.[1] Criticisms of positivist international legal theory include its rigidity, its focus on state consent, without allowing for interpretation, and the fact that it does not allow moral judgements regarding a State's conduct as long as it follows international norms.
[edit] International Relations - International Law approaches

Legal scholars have drawn from the four main schools of thought in the areas of political science and international relations:realism, liberalism, institutionalism, and constructivism to examine, through an interdisciplinary approach, the content of legal rules and institutions, to explain why and how legal institutions came to be and why they are effective.[2] These methods have led some schoolars to reconceptualize international law in general.[3]
[edit] Realism

Realism contends that, in an anarchic international system, states are locked in a perpetual struggle for survival that obligates them to maximize their relative power in order to preserve their territory and existence. Since international cooperation is possible only inasmuch as it responds to the states' self-interest in maximizing their power and prospects for survival, states do not pursue cooperation on the basis of normative commitments.[4] According to Realist legal scholars, states adopt only international legal norms that either enhance their power, formalize the subordination of weaker states, or that they intend to violate deliberately to their own advantage.[5] International Law may thus address only peripheral matters that do not impact the states´ power or autonomy. Consequently, for realist, international law is a "tenuous net of breakable obligations"[6]

Within the Realist approach, some scholars have proposed an "enforcement theory" according to which international legal norms are effective insofar as they "publicize clear rules, enhance monitoring of compliance, and institutionalize collective procedures for punishing violations, thereby enhancing the deterrent and coercive effects of a stable balance of power."[7] Thus, the role of reciprocity and sanctions is underlined. Morrow, for instance, notes that:

    International politics in modern times generally recognizes no authority above the nation-state. Agreements among states are enforceable only by the agreeing states themselves. This assumption of anarchy poses a paradox for agreements to limit violence during wartime. (...) Reciprocity serves as the main tool to enforce agreements in international politics. Enforcement of an agreement is devolved to the parties themselves. Damaged parties have the option to respond with retaliatory sanctions to a violation of an agreement. The threat of reciprocal sanctions may be sufficient to deter violations, and so agreements can be enforced in international politics.[8]

[edit] Liberalism

Based on the Liberal international relations theory, some scholars argue that the states' stance towards international law is determined by their domestic politics and, in particular, by the aggregation of the preferences of key domestic individuals and groups toward the rule of law. Thus, democratic states, having a representative government, are more likely than non-democratic states to accept the legal regulation of both domestic and in international politics, and, as a consequence, they are more likely to accept and to observe international law. Furthermore, democratic societies are linked by a complex net of interstate, transnational and transgovernmental relations so that both their foreign policy bureaucracies and their civil societies are interested in promoting and strengthening transnational cooperation through the creation and observance international legal norms.[9] Hence, the adoption of and the compliance with international legal norms among democractic states should be easier and more peaceful than the observance of international law among non-democractic states. In this regard, Slaughter notes that:

    Agreements concluded among liberal States are more likely to be concluded in an atmosphere of mutual trust, a precondition that will facilitate any kind of enforcement. In particular, however, the assumptions that these are agreements reached with the participation of a network of individuals and groups in the participating States, and that these States are committed to the rule of law enforced by national judiciaries should lead to more 'vertical' enforcement through domestic courts. This mode of enforcement contrasts with the traditional 'horizontal' mode involving State responsibility, reciprocity, and countermeasures.[10]

[edit] Rational Choice and Game Theory

This approach to law applies theories or economics to identify the legal implications of maximizing behavior inside and outside of markets. Economics is the study of ration choice under limited conditions.[11] Rational choice is the assumption that individual actors seek to maximize their preferences.[12] Most of the economic theory employed here is neoclassical traditional economics. Economic techniques include price theory, which evaluates strategic interaction between actors.[13] Transaction cost economics, which incorporates cost of identifying actors, negotiating, and costs of enforcing agreements into price theory. Game Theory, which can demonstrate how actors with maximizing behavior might fail to take action increase join gain.[14] Public choice applies economic tools to problems outside of markets. These tools are used to describe and evaluate law. Using these tools laws are tested for economic efficiency.[15] Economic theories are also used to propose changes in the law. This approach urges the adoption of laws that maximize wealth. Potential application of this approach would begin with a text-based interpretation. A secondary concern is whether or not an actual "market" context is functioning well. Thirdly, ways to improve the imperfect market are proposed. This approach could be used to analyze general legal questions, because this approach provides highly specified rules and provides the rationale for using them. This approach relies on assumptions that perfect competition exists, and that individuals will behave to maximize their preferences. The empirical presence of these conditions is often difficult to determine.
[edit] International Legal Process

The classic International Legal Process is the method of studying how international law is practically applied to, and functions within international policy, as well as the study of how international law can be improved.[16] "It concentrates not so much on the exposition of rules and their content as on how international legal rules are actually used by the makers of foreign policy".[17] ILP was developed in response to the "realists from the discipline of international relations",[18] who realized with the beginning of the Cold War how little international law played a role in international affairs. ILP was made a legitimate theory in the 1968 casebook International Legal Process, by Chayes, Ehrlich and Lowenfeldan, in which the American legal process method was adapted to create an international legal process.[19] ILP describes the way international legal processes work, and the formal and informal ways that foreign offices incorporate international law.[17] ILP also measures the extent to which individuals are held accountable for abuses in international conflicts.[20] While ILP recognizes that international law does not force decision makers' actions, it suggests that international law serves as a justification, constraint, and organizing device.[20] Criticism of ILP's lack of normative qualities in its method resulted in the emergence of a new ILP.[21] The New International Legal Process (NLP) incorporates both law as a process and as the values of each society respectively. Unlike the American Legal System, it considers normative values other than democracy, such as "…feminism, republicanism, law and economics, liberalism as well as human rights, peace and protection to the environment."[22] The NLP is unique in its flexibility in adapting to the evolution of values. This component of the method is important in order to resolve the changing of legal standards over time. The NLP shows its true departure from the ILP by addressing what happens in the situation of conflict, as well as what should be happening.
[edit] Policy Oriented Perspectives
            This article may be confusing or unclear to readers. Please help clarify the article; suggestions may be found on the talk page. (January 2010)
[edit] New Haven Approach

The New Haven School is a policy-oriented perspective on international law pioneered by Myres S. McDougal and Harold D. Lasswell.[23] Its intellectual antecedents lie in sociological jurisprudence of Roscoe Pound and the reformist ambitions of the American Legal Realists. From the standpoint of the New Haven approach, jurisprudence is a theory about making social choices. The primary jurisprudential and intellectual tasks are the prescription and application of policy in ways that maintain community order and simultaneously achieve the best possible approximation of the community's social goals.[24] These normative social goals or values of the New Haven approach include the production of wealth, of enlightenment, of skill, of health and well-being, of affection, of respect and rectitude.[25] In 2007, the Yale Journal of International Law convened a conference to discuss whether there is now a purported New New Haven Approach.[26] The New New Haven Approach draws heavily upon the older methodology of Transnational Legal Process (TLP) and seeks to encompass both the New Haven Approach and TLP. The key elements of the purported New New Haven approach are described as follows: the "scholarship often takes a normative stand;" it "often takes a flexible approach to the actors of international law;" and it "adopts a practice-oriented study of the norms and processes of international law in action on the ground."[27]
[edit] Critical Legal Studies

Critical Legal Studies (CLS) emerged as a legal theory in America during the 1970s. It exists to this day as a method of analyzing international law from a highly theoretical perspective.[28] The method proposes that the nature of international law is limited because it is determined by language, which is biased and still stuck in the conventional structures of politics and power.[29] Critical Legal scholars argue that those structures of power can be found within the binaries that exist in legal language[30] (man vs. woman, majority vs. minority, etc.). Recognizing the political aspect of international law, these scholars also argue that universality is impossible.[31] Criticism of this method suggests that this radical practice is impossible to put into application. It was successful, however, in pushing forward other approaches to international law (feminist, cultural relativist, etc.)[32] because of its deep analysis of language, and all the imbalance that it reveals.
[edit] Central Case Approach

The central case approach is a method of looking at human rights situations. This approach recognizes the existence of certain universal rights.[33] It begins analyzing a human rights issue by constructing a hypothetical ideal situation in which those rights are applied, a standard against which to compare an actual situation. The central case approach then investigates to what extent, and in what ways the actual situation deviates from the ideal (or the central case).[34] The central case approach allows for more complexity than the traditional binary method of analysis.[35] In binary terms, human rights are simply violated or they are upheld.[36] This does not allow for degrees of severity of a human rights violation, which creates a deceptively simplistic view of a situation. John Finnis developed the concept of a central case as it applied to assessing legal systems;[37] Tai-Heng Cheng was the first to apply it to human rights. If used by decision-makers, the central case approach could be effective in preventing human rights abuses. It takes into account a society's political and social situations in addition to specific human rights abuses.[34] This enables it to detect trends of human rights abuses, and the reasons behind these trends. The depth of a central case analysis exposes the different degrees of human rights abuses that occur, allowing policy makers to focus on the most severe cases and patterns of abuse with more urgency. The central case approach provides an accurate and flexible picture of situations that are in a state of change.[38] Whereas a binary appraisal would conclude whether a human right had been violated at one point in time, the central case approach can detect shifting political and social conditions and patterns that give a more nuanced view of the state of human rights.[38]
[edit] Feminist Legal Theory

Feminist legal theory critiques current legal vocabulary and practice by arguing it is patriarchal, presenting men as the norm and women as a deviation from the norm. Feminist theorists propose to change legal language to make it more inclusive of women, or to rethink law completely, so it is possible to promote broader social goals of justice and equality. Feminist methods seek to expose the biases from which international law is written and particularly the notion that women are more vulnerable than men and need special protection under the law. Feminist theorist Hilary Charlesworth criticizes the dialogue of women as victims in need of protection from both men and international law. Additionally, she argues that the irony of the dominant language is that while it aims to especially protect women, the emphasis is on the protection of her honor and not on the protection of her social, cultural and economic rights.
[edit] LGBT Legal Theory

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender/Transsexual (LGBT) International Law Theory is a critical school of thought that continues to develop as the shortcomings of international law are realized, in regard to the integration of queer theory into international law theory. While human rights conventions have recently begun to generalize in regard to equality and its recipients, in the past, any discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity have gone largely untouched. The movement of LGBT International Law Theory centers on the inclusion and awareness of LGBT rights (and protection of persons), as well as the integration of queer theory within the realm of international law. As LGBT theory has become more prominent in scholarly works, international courts and international law organizations (particularly the European Union Council and the United Nations) have considered workplace discrimination on the basis of sexuality, issues stemming from the definition of family in regard to homosexual unions, the position of transsexuals in the question of sexual orientation, the need for recognition of LGBT rights in regard to general health advocacy and the HIV/AIDS crisis, the inclusion of and LGBT advocacy group within the UN (with advisor status), and the ongoing active persecution of people engaging in homosexual acts, among other issues.[39] According to scholar Nancy Levit, the challenges for gay legal theory are twofold: to move away from the frailties of both formal equality and antisubordination theories, and to develop ways of representing sexual minorities that will make them more acceptable, if not valuable, in a broader cultural context, that is the critical body of LGBT International Law Theory.[40]
[edit] Roman Law in International Law

The idea of international law in Roman times is a complicated one. For, not only does the Roman Republic and following empire itself dominate a long period of time in history, but also the very debate over whether or not the term "international law" is an applicable term is not yet decided.[41] Many scholars and authors define international law as "the law governing relations between sovereign, territorial states."[42] Any attempt to find a similar parallel in Roman law would find a logical starting point in the ius gentium (the laws of nations).[43] The ius gentium began as a Roman recognition of like legal practices and institutions (such as slavery) that was found at that time in most states.[44] This brand of law was in fact private law in itself and mainly dictated the way in which the Roman state was to deal with individual foreigners, not entire states.[44] However, when citizenship was granted to all free men in the empire in 212 A.D. ius gentium ceased to cling to its original definition and instead was applied to states as a whole.[42] Some semblance of modern international law can therefore be found in this shift. The actual extent of these origins and their relevance to modern law is a topic that has not yet been approached in any depth.
[edit] Third World Approach

Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) is a critical approach to international law that is not a "method" in the strict sense of questioning "what the law is". Rather, it is an approach to law that is unified by a particular set of concerns and analytical tools with which to explore them. It is an approach that draws primarily from the history of the encounter between international law and colonized peoples. TWAIL shares many concepts with post-colonial studies, feminist theory, Critical legal studies, Marxist theory and critical race theory. TWAIL scholarship prioritizes in its study the power dynamic between the First World and Third World and the role of international law in legitimizing the subjugation and oppression of Third World peoples. TWAIL scholars try to avoid presenting the "Third World" as a unified, coherent place but rather use the term to indicate peoples who have the shared experience of underdevelopment and marginalization.

Contemporary TWAIL scholarship has it origins in works of jurists such as Georges Abi-Saab, F. Garcia-Amador R.P. Anand, Mohammed Bedjaoui, and Taslim O. Elias. Over the years, several Western scholars have been sympathetic to the Third World's position and made important contributions to this body of scholarship, and these include, scholars such as C.H. Alexandrowicz, Richard Falk, Nico Schrijver and PJ.I.M. de Waart. David Kennedy and Martti Koskenniemi have also contributed support in their own work. TWAIL as a loose network of scholars has had three conferences thus far. TWAIL I was held at Harvard Law School in March, 1997. TWAIL II was held in October 2001 at Osgoode Hall Law School. TWAIL III was held at Albany Law School in April 2007.

A 2010 article by Al Attar and Miller and argues that the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) may present a potential for developing TWAIL in practice, describing ALBA as having "a cohesive counter-vision of international law rooted in notions of complementarity and human solidarity".[45] Trade, Law and Development has invited call for papers to a 2011 special issue on TWAIL.

See also:

    * Public international law
    * Jurisprudence
    * Rule according to higher law


   1. ^ Bruno Simma and Andreas L.Paulus "Symposium on method in International Law: The Responsibility of Individuals for Human Rights Abuses in Internal Conflicts: A Positivist View" 93 American Journal of International Law 302 (April, 1999)
   2. ^ Abbot, Kenneth W. "Symposium on Method in International Law: International Relations Theory, International Law and the Regime Governing Atrocities in Internal Conflicts." (1999): 361-378
   3. ^ Anne-Marie Slaughter; Andre S. Tulumello; Stepan Wood, International Law and International Relations Theory: A New Generation of Interdisciplinary Scholarship, 92 American Journal of International Law 367-397 (1998) at p. 369: "We identify three ways that lawyers are using materials and insights from IR theory:to diagnose substantive problems and frame better legal soltions; to explain the structure or function of particular international legal rules or institutions; reconceptualize or reframe particular institutions or international law generally."
   4. ^ Hans J. Morgenthau, Positivism, Functionalism, and International Law, 34 American Journal of International Law 260 (1940)
   5. ^ William C. Bradford, In The Minds of Men: A Theory of Compliance with the Laws of War (2004) p. 7
   6. ^ Stanley Hoffmann, Conditions of World Order 364 (1956).
   7. ^ William C. Bradford, In The Minds of Men: A Theory of Compliance with the Laws of War (2004) p. 8
   8. ^ James D. Morrow, The Laws of War as an International Institution, p. 1 (2008) See also: James D. Morrow, Laws of War, Common Conjectures, and Legal Systems in International Politics, 31 Journal of Legal Studies 41 (2002): "International Law must be self-enforcing to be effective. Successful self-enfocement of law among states requires either that they must be willing to live up to their legal obligations regardless of what others do or that reciprocity must deter violations."
   9. ^ William C. Bradford, In The Minds of Men: A Theory of Compliance with the Laws of War (2004) p. 9.
  10. ^ Anne-Marie Slaughter, International Law in a World of Liberal States, 6 European Journal of International Law (1995) p. 532.
  11. ^ Hawley, Frederick Barnard. "The Definition of Economics".The American Economic Review, Vol. 3, No. 3. (September 1913), 606-609 [1]
  12. ^ Hawley 1913, 606-609
  13. ^ Forsythe, David. Human Rights in International Relations (Cambridge University Press 2000)
  14. ^ "Game Theory." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 13 Mar. 2008 [2]
  15. ^ Ratner, Steven R.. International Law: The Trials of Global Norms (in The Frontiers of Knowledge). Foreign Policy, No. 110, Special Edition: Frontiers of Knowledge. (Spring, 1998), 65-80 [3]
  16. ^ O'Connell, Mary Ellen. "Symposium on Method in International Law". The American Society of International Law American Journal of International Law, 1999), 334.
  17. ^ a b O'Connell (1999), 334.
  18. ^ O'Connell (1999), 336.
  19. ^ O'Connell (1999), 335.
  20. ^ a b O'Connell (1999), 337.
  21. ^ O'Connell (1999), 338.
  22. ^ O’Connell (1999), 77.
  23. ^ Reisman, Michael. "The View from the New Haven School of International Law" International Law in Contemporary Perspective (Foundation Press, New York, NY 1992)
  24. ^ Reisman (2004), 2
  25. ^ Reisman (2004), 5
  26. ^ Dickinson, Laura. "COMMENTARY:Toward a 'New' New Haven School of International Law?" The Yale Journal of International Law, Inc. (Yale Journal of International Law 2007)
  27. ^ Dickinson, Commentary(2007)
  28. ^ Steinberg, Richard & Zasloff, Jonathan. "Power and International Law" 100 AM. J. Int'l L. 64, 64 - 87 (2006)
  29. ^ Shaw, Malcolm N. "International Law" (5th ed. 2003) p. 62
  30. ^ Steinberg & Zasloff (2006)
  31. ^ Shaw (2003)
  32. ^ Lillich, Richard B. "International Human Rights: Problems of Law, Policy, and Practice" (4th ed. 2006) p. 36
  33. ^ Cheng, Tai-Heng. "The Central Case Approach to Human Rights." Pacific Rim Law & Policy 13:257 (2004), 260.
  34. ^ a b Cheng(2004), 260.
  35. ^ Cheng(2004), 258.
  36. ^ Cheng(2004), 257.
  37. ^ Finnis, John. "Natural Law and Natural Rights." 9-11 (H.L.A. Hart ed., 1986)(1996)
  38. ^ a b Cheng(2004), 261.
  39. ^ Sanders, Douglas. "Human Rights And Sexual Orientation in International Law." 11 November 2005. International Gay and Lesbian Law Association
  40. ^ Levit, Nancy. "A Different Kind of Sameness: Beyond Formal Equality and Antisubordination Principles in Gay Legal Theory and Constitutional Doctrine" (Ohio State Law Journal, Vol. 61, 2000) p. 867.
  41. ^ Lesaffer, Randall. "Argument from Roman Law in Current International Law: Occupation and Acquisitive Prescription" Volume 16, Number 1 (European Journal of International Law 2005)
  42. ^ a b Lesaffer (2005), 25-58
  43. ^ Mousourakis, George "The Historical and Institutional Context of Roman Law" (Ashgate Publishing company, 2003), 22
  44. ^ a b Mousourakis (2003), 23
  45. ^ Al Attar, Mohsen and Miller, Rosalie (2010), "Towards an Emancipatory International Law: the Bolivarian reconstruction", Third World Quarterly, 31: 3, pp347 — 363

    * William C. Bradford, In The Minds of Men: A Theory of Compliance with the Laws of War (2004)
    * Third World Quarterly Vol. 27, No.5 (2006)
    * Antony Anghie, Bhupinder Chimni, Karin Mickelson and Obiora Chinedu Okafor (eds.), The Third World and International Order: Law, Politics and Globalization (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, Martinus Nijhoff, 2003)
    * Mutua, wa Makau, "What is TWAIL?" Vol.31 American Society of International Law Proceedings (2000)
    * Rajagopal, Balakrishnan, International Law From Below; Development, Social Movements and Third World Resistance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003)
    * Anghie, Anthony, Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005)
    * Anne-Marie Slaughter; Andre S. Tulumello; Stepan Wood, International Law and International Relations Theory: A New Generation of Interdisciplinary Scholarship, 92 American Journal of International Law 367-397 (1998)